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Urgent services

In a life-threatening situation, always call 112. Emergencies are chest pain, seizuring, acute shortness of breath, unconsciousness, stroke symptoms, a car crash or fire. On this page, you can find information of urgent help regarding health care, social welfare and rescue services in North Ostrobothnia.

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Give feedback

All received feedback is valuable to us. It is utilised for quality control and improving our operations. Please note that any personal or other confidential information should not be included in the feedback due to security reasons. Nor can a booked appointment be cancelled via any feedback form. In such cases, please contact the unit that treated you.

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Non-urgent services

Do you want to book an appointment with a doctor or nurse? Do you need advice or want more information on health related issues? On this page, you can find information about our non-urgent social welfare and health care services.

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Ikäihmisten liikkuvan päivystysyksikön toimintamallin kehittäminen ja käyttöönotto, RRP2-hanke
terhi.ahlstrand (at)
Terveyspalvelujen laskutus
Muissa tehtävissä 31.12.2024 asti.

Palveluvastaavan tehtäviä hoitaa  9.9. – 31.12.2024 Sirpa Raudaskoski

Sirpa Raudaskoski 044 419 5293
Testaus- ja innovaatiotoiminta
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