The wellbeing services county of North Ostrobothnia, Pohde
Pohde is responsible for organising public health care, social welfare and rescue services in North Ostrobothnia. On this page you can find information about our services.
Pohde is responsible for organising public health care, social welfare and rescue services in North Ostrobothnia. On this page you can find information about our services.
The health and social services are categorised into urgent and non-urgent services. Urgent situations are emergencies and you are entitled to receive care immidiately. Non-urgent matters have a treatment time guarantee. This is a statutory right to receive, within a specified time period, both an assessment of the need for non-urgent treatment and any treatment found to be necessary.
You can find more information about the services by selecting urgent or non-urgent services below.
Treatment assessment: call the Medical Helpline 116117.
In a life-threatening situation: call the general emergency number 112.
You can give us feedback on both your treatment and our activities in general. Your feedback is important to us as it helps us develop our services. You cannot cancel an appointment with this feedback form.